Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Weekend in Theresa

Spent the weekend upstate (Theresa, NY) in a lone cabin on the lake. Friends Jenny and Joe invited us to the simple estate that Jenny's poppa built by hand. I can list what we did on one hand but, like most of the greatest moments so far, it's quality not quantity.

Highlights include but are not limited to:
1. The cabin- Have you ever seen an unconventional, handmade log cabin? Inspiring to say the very least. I immediately wanted to build an ark, a bow, a rocking chair. I wanted to read classic novels and write poetry; sip coffee to warm up and squint at the sun; take a deep breathe and smell nothing. So I did...and I will.
2.The canoe- A belated wedding gift that had been waiting for us on a pile of logs outside of the cabin. One of the most outlandish and genuine gifts I have ever received. Thanks to our generous and thoughtful friends we are no longer land-locked for our adventures. Rick and I spent a great deal of time just glancing at each other and laughing at the awesomeness of it all.
3. Ice fishing- I caught my first Northern Pike! Well....I caught my first fish!
4. Not pooping- Not so much a highlight, but as an old-fashioned gal I respect the lady-like abstinence from pooping or performing a stealth poop. It was uncomfortable, but a triumph nonetheless.
5. Meeting the folks- Seeing where and what people come from is really promising. It's refreshing to know that you and your family are unique, but that where you came from is a big part of your definition. Almost like in the spelling bee. Your family is like your "country of origin." You don't really need to know it to spell the word, but it makes it a bit more obvious and easier to understand.
6. Friends- Couple rounds of "Is it Bigger than a bread box?," Not finishing Cranium (that game sucks anyway), Joe's rendition of a deaf man trying to communicate with Rick (who is not deaf), waiting for fire, heart-shaped cookies, drawing in the snow....
7. Hiking the Ridge....wait, I guess I can't list them all on one hand...

Couple videos and pictures to follow...

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